I have slacked on my blog lately, but I need to get back into it. I know many people think blogs are dumb and wonder why people spend so much time on them. But this month I am so thankful for my blog. My hard drive was broken and I lost all the pictures for the last year and a half ( I know really dumb of me for not backing them up) The only things saving my sanity right now is that I have been a faithful blogger and so I at least have all the pictures from my blogs. Still I didn't post every picture I took so there are hundreds I have lost forever, but at least I have a good representation of all the holidays and birthdays.
We have done some fun things this spring. For spring break we went to southern Utah. Unfortunately, all those pictures are gone. So you will have to take my word for it that the weather was great and we had a fun time hiking around Zion National Park and Bryce National Park. The girls all loved camping and they had fun playing in the river near our campsite.
On Friday The girls had fun making sugar cookies and decorating Easter eggs:
The Easter Bunny came on Saturday Morning to our house, since church is so early on Sunday. The girls had fun finding their Easter Baskets. Later we had an Easter Egg hunt out in our yard.
Kaylee wanted hers hidden without any clues. The Easter Bunny will have to hide it harder next year because she found it in less than a minute.

Brianne likes to have clues to her basket, kind of like a scavenger hunt. So the Easter bunny left several clues around the house for her to find.

The Easter bunny always leaves footprints for the girls to follow when they are little. Sydnie had fun following the footprints to her basket, and was really excited about the My Little Pony Dolls he had left.
Sunday we just enjoyed church and had a little lesson on what Easter is all about. The night before we asked the girls what they wanted to have for Easter dinner and they decided they wanted hamburgers cooked on the grill. So our Easter dinner was pretty simple but yummy. Shaun made his yummy Finnish Bread and we snacked on that the rest of the day.
This is a cute picture I got of Sydnie blowing her Easter Bubbles. I also have cute pictures of all the girls in their Easter dresses, but I posted them on my photo blog so you will have to go there to see them.
This is a cute picture I got of Sydnie blowing her Easter Bubbles. I also have cute pictures of all the girls in their Easter dresses, but I posted them on my photo blog so you will have to go there to see them.