Look what I did!!!!
Do you ever have those moments when you wish you were a little kid again, when you thought you did something really cool like tying your shoelace for the first time, or drawing a really cool picture. You show your mom and she gives you a big hug, or raves about your picture and hangs it on the refrigerator. Well sometimes as adults we still have those moments, only now we have to pat ourselves on the back and just be satisfied with our own sense of accomplishment. I had one of those moments this week, and I can't help but show off a little. I sell crafts for a boutique, so I know my way around most power tools. However, I rarely attempt to make furniture. But I needed a display piece for my booth at my boutique where I sell crafts, so I decided to give it a try. I was pretty excited about the results, and no Shaun did not help me, except for at the beginning when I had to cut the strips of wood for the shelving on the table saw, and only because it is a two person job. Other wise, I came up with the plan, measured, cut and nailed everything together on my own. I was pleased with the results other than a few misplaced nails, (nail guns are hard to aim), and the finish is a little below my standards (but I will blame that on the cold weather and really horrible polyurethane). Oh well, its just a display piece for my crafts.
Here is the finished product, try not to look at the messy garage in the background. Mom you can print this picture out and hang it on your refrigerator if you want.