Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Kaylee!!

Kaylee turned 9 yesterday. I can hardly believe my first little baby is getting to be so grown up. We always make birthdays a big deal around our house. Usually birthday's end up being more like birthweekends. And Kaylee's birthday was no exception. On Friday night we had a big friends birthday party she invited 16 girls and I think all but one showed up. We had a very noisy house that night. Lots of laughing and screaming. She had a Valentine themed party. We decorated giant heart shaped sugar cookies, had a heart shaped pinata, and made heart shaped flowers for their hair. On Saturday we went to Chuck E Cheese with just the family. We spent about and hour there, about as long as the parents could stand. Sunday was here actual birthday, we didn't do too much except open presents and have her favorite thing for dinner, tortilla soup.

All the crazy girls at her birthday party!

Kaylee taking a whack at the pinata.

Tortilla Soup
(Kaylee's Favorite, and one of mine too because it is so easy)
1 family size can of Campbell's chicken and rice soup
1 can corn
1 can ranch style bean
1 can Rotel brand tomatoes Mexican style
2-3 chicken breast cooked and diced or shredded
Precook chicken, I like to cook a bunch of breast in my crock pot, shred the meat and store in cup proportions in my freezer for recipes like this one.
Then just dump all the cans into a big pot add one large can of water, add chicken and heat through. Top individual bowls of soup with cheddar cheese, sour cream, and a couple drops of Tabasco sauce if you like heat. I like to add tortilla chips to my bowl, but some people prefer to dip.


Audrey said...

Thanks for having us over on Sunday! It was great!

Unknown said...

It looks like the girls had a blast!(:^D)

whit said...

I made your recipe for tortilla soup - AWESOME! I haven't found a tortilla soup recipe I like so THANKS! I added black beans cause I love them and it was really good. But anyways, thanks for the great and easy recipe!