Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Return of the Tumble Weed

Every year I wonder when they are going to show up. It's usually sometime in March when the wind really starts to blow. Last year they showed up when we were at church. We went to church, no tumble weeds, and when we came home, there they were waiting for us. Today when the wind really started blowing, I knew they were going to show up any moment. Sure enough, I went to Walmart and when I got back there they were. All of the houses on our street look this way, although the neighbor just next to us always seems to get it the worst. If you can imagine anything worse than the picture above. We hate the tumble weed, they are the true tumble weeds too, big balls of thorny twigs. The only fun thing about them is after we clean them up, we get to burn them. You can't imagine the huge bonfire this many tumble weeds creates.


Nicole Jaussi said...

Oh my word!! That's funny we were just talking about how nice it was without them this morning. :) I guess we spoke too soon.

Shannon said...

Curse the tumbleweeds~!!!!

Unknown said...

that is alot of tumbleweeds!