Sunday, May 23, 2010

Create Your own Blogger Backgrounds
So, if any of you have been looking at my blog in the last couple hours you probably noticed, I have been messing around with my background. Well, it took more than a few tries but I finally managed to create my own background!!!! It wasn't quite as simple as I thought, but if you are not afraid to mess around a little bit, it definitely is do able. The best help I found was on look under blogging secrets, p.s. I also figured out how to change my font there too. However, the dimensions they give for Photoshop were a bit off, so you might have to mess around with that. I found better dimensions on a you tube video, but still had to play around a bit. So if you are ready to try, two things you absolutely need are: Photoshop Elements, and a free account on Photobucket. It is also helpful if you already have some free digital scrapbooking backgrounds and embellishments. I have given the link to the ones I like the best in the past, but I will give it again in case you are interested, and here are two new ones I found: I am super excited about this one and here is another that looks like you could find some good stuff, but it would take a little more searching . Anyway good luck and let me know if you need anymore info, I am always looking for people who are willing to listen to me talk about digital scrapbooking without getting that glazed over look in their eyes.


Audrey said...

I can't wait to come out this summer and for you to teach me all of your tricks. I am sure I could probably figure it out on my own, but when I have friends as talented as you why try?