Wedding Visitors
My Nephew Sean got married a few weeks ago and we had family come in town for the reception. The reception was Friday night at my brother Mikes house. We had fun seeing everyone. My Mom and Dad and sisters Nancy and Laura were there and even my brother Greg and his family were there from Colorado. It was fun to visit everyone at the reception.
I had fun taking some pictures of my nephew and his wife during the reception, but before the reception started I practiced by taking some of my own kids. My brother Mikes fountain is always a temptation for the kids. My girls managed to stay dry for a little while. But once the rest of the cousins got there they gave up trying to stay dry and managed to get completely soaked.
Sydnie testing the waters, it all starts with just a toe right?
I just thought this was cute of Sydnie, even though she has purple lollipop all over her face:

Brianne getting a bit more daring in the water fall

I just loved this side view of Brianne.
Ah ha! That is where the purple stains all over her face came from!

Kaylee on Mike's swing set

And the happy couple:

My sister Nancy and her family stayed the weekend at our house. Saturday was a beautiful day. We got up and decided to do a little hike on a path by our neighborhood.

Shaun found a Horny Toad, he always manages to find things like this when we are hiking. Kaylee is the brave one that held him first

Then Hayden gave it a try:

Even Sydnie decided to hold it:

At first Brianne didn't want to hold him so we let him go. Then she decided she really did want to hold it so Shaun caught it again and I snapped a picture of her holding it.

Later that day we headed out to Strawberry Reservoir. Nancy and her family had never been crayfishing with us before so we thought it would be fun for her kids to try.
When Chloe saw the water she had to get right in. She spent most of her time at Strawberry in her diaper

Hayden and Kaylee looking for the crayfish

Brianne and Sydnie throwing their lines in:

Sydnie got daring toward the end and started trying to pick them up.
Hannah loved crayfishing, both her and Hayden wouldn't stop even after it started raining.