I can't believe I have another girl old enough to get baptized. Brianne turned 8 this December, we had a fun friends birthday party for her a few days before her birthday. She wanted to go to a place called Jump on it for her party. So I let her invite a few of her friends and we all had fun jumping in a room full of trampolines.
For her birthday party I decided to make a doughnut cake. My girls love doughnuts and I hardly ever buy them so it's always a fun treat. Here she is ready to blow out her candles:

Here is the whole group of friends ready to go to Jump on it and have some fun:

Here is Brianne opening her prestents:

We were in Idaho on her Birthday so she got to have a party at Grandma Thorntons house with her cousins. I made a snowman cake for her. I'm not very good at decorating cakes but this one wasn't too hard:

Blowing out her candles:

Opening her presents Kaylee is always jealous because Brianne is around family over her birthday and gets more prestents. I guess having a birthday so close to Christmas isn't all bad.

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