Monday, October 27, 2008

Horses, Pumpkins, and Mission farewells.

Nancy and Heath came with their kids Hannah and Hayden, to stay for the weekend. My girls had lots of fun playing with their cousins, and I finally forced my sister into creating a blog. Hopefully she will learn to appreciate it or I will have to force her to post things too. The kids voted on riding horses at Thanksgiving point for the third time this year. Of course I forgot my camera again. But Nancy saved the day. Later that night my parents came over to my house and we carved pumpkins. The reason for the visit, my nephew C.J. is leaving on his mission to Kenya. Good luck, C.J.! We will miss you.


whit said...

Hey jen. Those horses look like a blast! Ya, I created my header in a picture editing program. I wish I had photoshop but I have a freebee program I found on the web (Serif PhotoPlus 6.0). If you want me to do something for you if you can't figure it out send me a pic and an idea you have in mind.

Just the main thing is creting the picture the same size as it shows on the web. I think is was something like 660pixels wide, it depends on your layout. (It tells you where you add the picture what the width of it is)

Good luck!