Friday, October 31, 2008

We had a very Busy Halloween.
It all started Tuesday night with trunk or treat .

Friday started out early 8:00A.M. Witches hair to crimp and of course she wanted to be a beautiful witch so there was also makeup and sparkles to apply . Then the Halloween parade at 9:30 Kaylee's school.

11:00 A.M. arrive home from one parade get ready for another. 1 hour of crimping a kitty's hair (don't call her a lion). Plus make-up, a nose, whiskers, and we can't forget the sparkles. Off to preschool at 12:00. And back again to see her in her preschool parade at 2:00P.M.
Time for pictures thank goodness no crimping. Sydnie was easy, just throw p.j.'s, Tu Tu and flower headdress on and she was good to go.
Now Briannes turn, reapply whiskers, nose and sparkles and we are ready for our close ups.
After a full day of second grade Halloween parties. Kaylee need a little more help. A touch up on crimping and makeup. Don't you wish you had three girls with enough hair to cover 10!
Now a break for a few hours. Time for dinner, and time to clean up a bathroom full of hairspray and sparkles. And finally, after getting asked only about 20 times how much longer, we head out trick or treating. Here is the whole crew.

Happy Halloween!!!


Audrey said...

It was a really long day, but all the girls were so cute. Thanks for the yummy appetizers.

Tristan said...

The girls look adorable, it looks like you had a fun Halloween. We do need to swap bow ideas i have a friend who is really in to it so its fun to get new ideas.Hope we get to see you all soon!