Monday, November 3, 2008

Sydnie,Our Little Mess Maker

Lately Sydnie is into everything

Looks like she found the pretzels

And the marshmallows

And now that Halloween is over she is constantly on the prowl for Halloween buckets left in her reach.

No, our children don't bleed blue blood, Sydnie likes to find Kaylee and Brianne's markers and bite the tips off. Notice the path of destruction in the background.

And last of all the shower, technically she didn't make a mess of the shower, she just made a mess with her p.j.'s, by crawling in the shower with Kaylee and Brianne, with her pajamas still on.


Elena said...

Too cute! Ahhh...the life of a mother.

jenafeldman said...

She is so cute jenn...even though it is exhausting it is such a fun age.