It's That Time a Year Again!
I have spent the last month getting ready for my spring show and I actually finished a few days early. I set up this Saturday and the show starts next Wednesday the 12th. Usually I am scrambling until the last minute to get everything done. But the economy has taken its toll on the crafting business and I haven't had to make as much for this show. It has actually been a nice break not having to spend hours everyday stressing about how I am going to get everything done. Below are pictures of a few new things I have made for the spring show. I usually make a few more new things for each show but with the economy the way it is I had to hold myself back a little bit. Hopefully my plan to scale back will work out.
This one was actually a late addition to my last show in December. But I didn't get pictures of it last time. It was a big seller and I am doing several again for this show.
These are a new Easter item. I think they turned out cute. I left them in their packaging because I was too lazy to take them out for the picture.
These blocks turned out cute. This is a picture of two sets, I wanted to show you both sides. One side says Spring and then you can turn them and they say Easter on the other side. So kind of two decorations in one!

This is a turning photo cube. I had this idea in my head and it took allot of thought to get the idea out of my head and made into the actual craft. If any of you are wondering yes I actually cut and assemble all the crafts myself.

These are actually an adaptation of something I've had in the show for awhile we will see if these sell better or not.
And now for my absolute favorite of the show. This wall hanging is actually quite large about 20"x 20" and I customize it to your families initials. Its kind of hard to see in the picture but I put your families last name with the date of your marriage over the top. I really love the way these turned out. I am doing them for special order at my show.
It all turned out great. I am excited to see it.
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