A week of projects
I finally had a chance to get to my to do list. Looking back on these pictures it's amazing how much I got done in just a week, especially considering I had two sick kids (we had the stomach flue going around our neighborhood this week).
Project #1 refinish chairs and stools
This was one of those projects I definitely was not looking forward to. Anyone who has refinished furniture knows what I am talking about. But my stools and chairs were looking pretty sad. So I sanded put a new coat of black paint, sanded some more, put on a coat of polyurethane(clear protective coat), sanded some more and put on the final coat of polyurethane. I hated every minute of it but they look great!
Project #2 frame for our family photo.
I was more excited about this one. Especially the great deal I got on this moulding. I was on my way to home depot to pick out some moulding and Ross just happens to be next door so I decided to stop in, just my luck I found a beautiful mirror with this moulding on it for only $24 about as much as I would have spent at home depot. I took the mirror home and completely took it apart, I was sort of sad it was a beautiful mirror. I had to cut the moulding down some to fit my picture and glue it back together but the bonus was I didn't have to paint it. You will have to click on the picture to see the detail of the moulding it really is pretty.
Project #3 Valance for my bedroom
This one is trickier than it looks. You really can't see it very well it this picture, but I had to make a wooden frame for it. Then staple batting to it, then staple the fabric over that. So it was more like upholstering than sewing. The trickiest part was hanging the whole thing. I measured like three times, and then held my breath as I drilled the holes for the screws. Thanks to my neighbor Tineka for coming over to help me hang the 10 foot long valance.
Project #4 painting
I finally did it! I got to paint a couple rooms in my house. I think they turned out great! Here is the before picture of my kitchen:
Before of my extra bathroom:
and after, I think they both turned out great!!!!
And what was Shaun doing?????
This picture will give you a clue.
Our brother in law John invited Shaun to go to Florida with him for lobster season. They spent a few days spear fishing and catching lobster with nets. Shaun had a great time. This is a picture of John and Shaun headed down with the spear gun.

This is the whole group who went Shaun is on the left, John is second to the right.

Here is a sample of their catch.

This is the whole group who went Shaun is on the left, John is second to the right.

Here is a sample of their catch.
You might think I want you to feel bad for me, stuck home with sick kids and a million projects, while Shaun was in Florida. No Way!!!! I was more than happy staying home painting my kitchen and bathroom. Shaun deserved a break anyway. So we both got just what we wanted!!!