Monday, September 7, 2009

A long post with no pictures, but this is what has been happening, and been on my mind lately:

You might be a redneck if:

After this weekend this joke may apply to my family. No we don't have anyone in our family named Cleatis or Leroy, we don't have a old couch and a broken down washer sitting on our front lawn, and we don't park any broken down vehicles in our driveway (although Shaun's truck is well on its way to qualifying for that one), but we sure did participate in some redneck activities over labor day weekend. On Saturday I went to my first truck and tractor pull ever. I was not excited to go, but it turned out to be better than I thought and I found myself standing up and cheering along with "Jim Bob", (who was wearing his sleeveless t-shirt and holding his autographed poster), whenever the trucks pulled that trailer the whole length of the track. On Monday we went to the state fair. I must be a redneck because I really do love the fair. I like the fair food and the art exhibits and my kids love the animals and the rides. Sydnie couldn't get enough of the petting zoo, she ran around giving hugs to all the goats and even an emu. So if you attend a truck and tractor pull and the state fair in the same weekend.... you might be a redneck.

How to have the worst day ever...

Well, Friday was a pretty bad day for me. Maybe not the worst day I have ever had in my life but pretty close. So if you would like to have a day as bad as mine was on Friday here are the things you need to do:
1. While packing up to go out of town discover your 2 year old has gotten into the toilet (that still has pee in it thanks to her older sister) and splashed the contents along with a roll of toilet paper all over the bathroom and herself. CHECK
2. Sigh relief when you get everything cleaned up, and the car packed and are only a few minutes late. CHECK
3. Spend an hour looking for your keys because you only have one set. CHECK
4. Finally find your keys at the bottom of the garbage can covered in apple sauce (thanks again Sydnie)CHECK
4. On your way to check your older girls from school have your trunk fly open and loose half the contents on the road. CHECK
5. Get stuck in two hours of labor day weekend traffic. CHECK
6. Run your battery out while getting some dinner at Artic Circle and have to ask someone to jump your car. CHECK
7. Almost get run off the road by a semi when you pull over to shut a door that one of your girls did not shut tight enough at the restaurant (we don't want to have a repeat of step number 4). CHECK
8. By some miracle arrive at your destination safe and sound who cares if we got there about three hours later than we planned. CHECK

Time to get Political

Okay, so I have to do something that I was taught never to do as a hairdresser, that is never talk to your patrons about two things: religion and politics. But since most of you are not my patrons I thought I could get away with it here. I have been thinking quite a bit about things that are happening in our nation lately, and thinking about what I could do to make my voice heard. I think that some of us regular people, no matter what side of the political ticket you find yourself on, have been made to feel somewhat ashamed. Ashamed that we don't believe in the same things the movie stars and the people on t.v. believe in. We don't talk about things because we don't want others to think we are weird or some kind of fanatical freak. Well call me a freak but this is what I believe:

The current debate over the national health care system has me worried. I don't like the idea of the government having so much control over my life and decisions. Isn't that what the forefathers fought to free themselves from? Not that I think that the health care system doesn't need fixing. I just think we are going at it the wrong way. We are a nation of smart people, you would think we could come up with a better way to fix things than letting the government take over health care.

My generation needs to wake up, and start to let those in charge of changing our laws and constitution know what we really think. Even if you live in a state who has representation similar to what you believe, I think it is a good reminder for them to remember why we put them in office. I'm afraid if we don't become more active in what we believe, we may wake up a few years down the road and realize the things you believe and cherish most have been taken away from you. So, write your congressmen or representatives, its easy, most of them have websites with e-mail addresses. Just a quick note to remind them why they are in office. I plan to, and I hope you will join me.