Sunday, September 20, 2009

Three Polka Dot Dresses and a Purple Jumper

I recently took pictures of my three girls. I had an idea of what I wanted to do. I wanted black and white polka dot dresses in a wheat field. Well, I couldn't find any dresses at the store, so I ended up making them. By the time I got them all made, all the wheat fields had been harvested. Who knew they harvested in mid August? I thought I had till September for sure. Anyway, no wheat fields, but the pictures turned out cute anyway.

Kaylee and Sydnie I love the view of their bows from the back

All Three of the girls. This is the ONLY one that turned out that day of all three of them Sydnie was NOT cooperating

Slide show of Sydnie age 2

Slide show of Brianne age 5

Slide show of Kaylee age 8

And a Purple Jumper.....
As I was sewing the three polka dot dresses I was thinking an assortment of thoughts from "I HATE zippers" to "I wonder if my mom made most of our clothes?" Then I thought of a story my mom told me recently about myself. I have been meaning to write down somewhere before I forget it again. Evidently it was such a traumatic experience, that I completely wiped it from my memory the first time. In kindergarten I had a favorite jumper. I think it was a hand me down and I probably liked it because it was comfortable, I was big into comfort in those days. I must have worn it a lot, because one day my mom got a call from my kindergarten teacher. My beloved jumper had practically disintegrated, and was barely hanging on me. I was in tears, and my mom needed to bring a change of clothes. I think the jumper was so old, and had been worn so much, that the seams and cloth just couldn't hold together anymore. But instead of just one seem ripping, the whole thing decided to come apart at once.This is a picture of me in a purple jumper. I don't know if this is the one that disintegrated but it does seem like around the right age.
I am pictured next to my sister Nancy. In the far back is my Mom and Dad off to the right side is our good friends the Dinsdales. I think there are some of their kids mixed in there but I only recognize the one directly behind Nancy, Lisa.


Audrey said...

Well I really think you should make yourself another purple jumper. I mean the 80's are back so maybe next year it will be the 70's and then you will be all set.

Nancy J said...

I love the dresses you made! Beautiful pictures. I do not remember the purple jumper, along with most of my childhood. It does look comfy if nothing else. When are you making your children one?

Shannon said...

Cute cute. Your girls are so cute!