Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Weekend

We had a fun yet quiet memorial weekend. Shaun actually had to work a little bit on Saturday, so that kind of cancelled out a lot of more exciting plans we could have made. Instead we stayed home and just did a few fun things around our neighborhood.

You should have seen and heard the commotion the girls had to make to get the ice cream truck to come to our house. It was circling the neighborhood looking for kids. It had made it to about every street but ours. All the neighborhood kids were just about going crazy waiting for it to get to our street. But for some reason it gave up before coming to our street. It was on its way out and you should have heard the commotion all the kids made trying to get its attention to come back. They were yelling and jumping and screaming as loud as they could. It worked! He turned around made about $40 in the process. Needless to say he was back again this week.

Monday night we held the annual neighborhood BBQ/marshmallow roast at our house. We do this every year it is a lot of fun the adults talk and the kids play games, and everyone had fun roasting marshmallows and making smores once the sun goes down. I forgot to get my camera out till the end but there was around 40 kids playing out in our yard at one point.

Even at the end of the party there were still a few people roasting marshmallows. Our neighbors the Shoemakers also loan their yard for the party too, they have all the fun toys for the kids to play on like a trampoline and swing set.

Now that school is out, potty training has officially begun. This is about how good it is going. Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Looks like fun! I wish we could have a big barbeque like that! I'll bet it was a lot of work though

vickibingham said...

You are brave! The last thing I want to do is even think about potty training.

vickibingham said...

Just kidding I cause vicki was logged on to my computer the last comment was really from me. Audrey