Lots of exciting things are going on around here....at least I think so!
First of all our new computer finally arrived!!!! It is so nice to complete a post in a few minutes instead of a few hours. So I have saved a few posts all in one so this will be a long one.
A few weeks ago another exciting thing happened! Kaylee and Brianne decided to get their ears pierced! I have always told them they could get in done whenever they were ready. I thought Kaylee might decide to for her 8th birthday, but she was still a little nervous about it. But when one of Brianne's little friends got her ears peirced, Kaylee decided if a five year old could do it so could she. Brianne didn't want to miss out on the fun and decided she was brave enough too. They did so well, Kaylee even laughed when she was getting them done, (she always laughs when she is nervous). And the lady who pierced their ears said they were the best girls she has ever had to pierce ears on.
Kaylee and Brianne showing off their pierced ears. Kaylee wanted to make sure I took a picture, so I could post it on our blog.
And a couple days ago the most exciting thing happened! We started to finish our basement!!! I have been waiting a long time for this one!!! Ever since Sydnie was born, our guests have been banished to the unfinished basement, with no heat and no bathroom.
Earlier this week Shaun broke out the sledge hammer and broke out part of the basement floor so we could move some pipes. Then two days ago, my brother in law Christopher came to help get us started on the rest. They have got allot done in the last two days, we are just finishing a room for the girls and a bathroom, but they finished out the framing, heating and rough plumbing and electrical. Now Shaun can start sheet rock.
So thank you, thank you, thank you, to Christopher, this would have never happened without him, he has been so generous with his time, and in fact is still working as we speak at 12:00 midnight trying finish up before he leaves tomorrow morning.
We did manage to have some fun while Christopher was here,( and part of the reason they are working so late tonight) We all went up to Strawberry Reservoir today to catch some crayfish. Everyone had allot of fun and we managed to catch around 100 crayfish.

Morgan(who we were also excited to see as a surprise visitor with her dad) Christopher, Brianne and Kaylee. All holding one of our many catches. They are brave you have to watch out for their claws.
Kaylee and Brianne trying to snag a crayfish while Christopher waits for the net.
Fettuccine Alfredo with Crayfish was on the menu tonight. The boys said it was good. But I hate seafood so I will have to take their word for it.
I had to throw these last two pictures in of a trip we took to Strawberry reservoir with just our girls last Saturday. It rained pretty hard for a good 20 min so these two pictures were of us hunkered down under our umbrellas waiting for it to pass. Even with all the rain we still managed to have allot of fun and catch allot of crayfish. I thought these pictures turned out cute even though I did have my old camera so the quality isn't so good.
Wow, girls I can't believe you got your ears pierced! You are so brave. I cant wait to see them.
yah for a new computer.. i must admit you were in desperate need of one.. especially with how much you use it.. think of all you can get done now in 1/4 the time!
cute girls with their ears pierced.. fun they did it together!
... and remember what you told me about finishing a room in the basement.. is this your sly way of telling me something?? ha. i have to give you a hard time.. because everyone does it to me too!
I love the umbrella pictures!
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