Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Show

I made the long drive to Idaho by myself to set up for my Spring Show. Both Nancy and my mom were gone, so Shaun decided it would be easier to babysit at home than in Utah. So I just drove down in the morning, set up, then drove back home, all in one day. I moved to a smaller booth, so I had a little more to do than usual. I had some new shelves to hang, and the big shelve I made to put in. Everything fit fine and looked good, and what a relief to have this checked off my to do list.

My new booth at the show, I told Nancy I would post this picture so she would have an idea of what it is suppose to look like when she comes to clean up for me. Thanks Nancy.

Here is a semi new item. I discovered some new chalk board vinyl and it has been fun figuring out ways to use it. This is a chalk board and a magnet board.

Another use for the chalkboard Vinyl. These cute clip boards can go on a refrigerator or a wall.

Mini initial blocks, the smaller size is a little more manageable.

My eggs were popular last year so I did them again and the candles are on a block that says "spring has sprung."

I got a little crazy with flower hair clips. I made some cute vintage look flowers, crochet flowers, frayed flowers and some really unique zipper flowers. I am excited to see how they do.

Saying Goodbye
We have a sad day tomorrow. We have to say goodbye to our good friends the Moulton's. They are moving to North Carolina and we have to say goodbye to them tomorrow. Each of us are loosing a good friend, Kaylee and Maddy were best friends from almost the moment we moved in, and Isabelle and Brianne are practically like sisters. They have been friends since they were two, even before the time they can probably remember. And Audrey has been one of the best friends and neighbors I have ever had. Even Sydnie will miss her little buddy Micheal. Needless to say it will be a hard transition for our family. We wish them luck in North Carolina, but not too much because we still have are hopes on them coming back in a few years.

I got to finally use my digital scrap booking on a going away present for the girls. I made a little miniature book of all the pictures of them together throughout our four years together. This was the cover page.


Audrey said...

We will miss you guys horribly too! Thanks for being such a great friend. At least we can still blog and talk, but I am a little worried how the girls will do without each other :(

The Brays said...

It looks like another amazing show Jen!!
I wish I could see your cute new flowers better!!
I've been thinking about you this week.....with the big change in the neighbor hood. That is going to to tough. Good thing you are one tough chick!!!
Tell Shawn and the girls hello for me! And pack up that car soon and head south not north for a change and come and stay with us!

Unknown said...

I love the zipper flowers! I've gotta learn how to make some of those! SO CUTE!