I've been tagged!
My sister Nancy tagged me. I don't have alot to post about so I thought it would be fun to do this one.
My sister Nancy tagged me. I don't have alot to post about so I thought it would be fun to do this one.
Here is what you do: grab your camera and take at least 5 random pictures around your house. No cleaning up first, this is your house as is:
Here is some catergories you could use:
Room that stays the cleanest
Work in progress
What someone else is doing right now
Favorite decor or display
Something that represents your current life
Favorite relaxing spot
Something hand-me-down Etc. etc.
Here is some catergories you could use:
Room that stays the cleanest
Work in progress
What someone else is doing right now
Favorite decor or display
Something that represents your current life
Favorite relaxing spot
Something hand-me-down Etc. etc.

I am in the middle of getting ready for my next craft show. This is what my poor kitchen looks like most of the time. I try to clean up at least the counter or the table so that we can eat dinner. But usually my table, at least half of it, stays stacked up with half way done projects for the whole month that it takes me to get ready.

This is what my laundry room looks like most of the time. Those are clean clothes needing to be folded and put away. It has to me my least favorite job, even worse than dishes or toilets. So when I am busy with crafts my poor kids spend allot of time looking through this basket for clean clothes. As you can see my crafts also take over my laundry room too. Which also doubles as a craft supply store.

Sydnie's room is my favorite room in the house. I just love how all the decorations turned out. And I love the colors. It's one of the only rooms in my house that I feel is done and decorated just how I want it. I like the other rooms in my house, but they all need a little work.

This is a work in progress. I desperately need a new bed spread. I bought a new one a couple years ago I thought I would like it till I got in the room. I meant to take it back but never did. Then it got ripped. So I kept the pillows from my new set,and put the comforter from an old set on and have made do for about a year now. I am happy to say I just ordered a new set I found on sale at JC Penny, I will post pictures as soon as it get here.

I posted a few pictures of a messy house. So I thought I would try to redeem myself with a shot of my house the way I like it best. At the end of the day after my kids are in bed, I always straiten my house up. Its a little obsession of mine. I can't go to bed knowing the house is a mess. Knowing the house is clean for a few hours makes me sleep better and it helps my morning go allot smoother, when I don't have the day before's mess to clean up.
So now that you have seen some of my dirty little secrets. I want to see yours. Tag your it: Audrey, Tineka, Dani Jo, Katie, Lacie, Whitney, Elena, Jenn S., Jenn F.