Sunday, May 2, 2010

Colorful Weekend

We were on our way to Kaylee's Soccer game at 7:00 in the morning, when we saw one of the coolest rainbow's I have ever seen. It was a full rainbow (I could only fit half of it in my camera lens) and you could see both ends touching the ground. Kaylee was so excited, the end only seemed to be about 20 yards away, and she was sure she could run over to the end of it. Even though we were a little late to the game, I happened to have my camera with me, so I just had to stop and take a picture.

Later that night I went to the Miss Saratoga Springs Pageant. Four of the seven girls in the pageant were from our Y.W. it was fun to watch. When I got home, the girls were busy at work making this colorful creation. Kaylee was sure no one had ever made a Lego tower so tall before and insisted I take a picture. When I finally got the camera out they all wanted to know if I would put this on the blog. I guess our life is now defined by blog worthy and non blog worthy events.

When we were cleaning up Sydnie made this little tower and insisted I take a picture of it too. Who could say no to this little cutie.

Today I decided our puppy had gotten fluffy enough. She was actually more fluff than puppy. So I decided to give her a trim myself. After all I am a hairdresser how different can it be? Well three hours later, it turns out a lot different! She actually was fairly patient with the whole process, I don't know if it was my clippers, or her extra fine puppy hair, but it just wouldn't cut. I finally got it to sort of work, but I had to go over every spot about five times. And cutting around her face was a nightmare, she didn't want anything to do with that. In the end I got a half decent trim done, maybe with practice I will get better. She does look pretty cute with her new cut, I can't believe how tiny she was under all that fluff.


Audrey said...

Too funny! My girls are always asking to see our blog and wanting to know what I put on it too. Lulu looks darling!

Nancy J said...

My kids love this blog entry. Hannah loves the rainbow and Hayden wants to know how they built it so high!